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Emotional Intelligence


What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) refers to how well we can handle ourselves and relationships. According to psychologist and writer Daniel Goleman, there are 4 domains to EQ:

1. Self-awareness

Knowing what we are feeling, why we are feeling it (basis for good intuition, good decision-making)

2. Self-management

Handling your distressing emotions in effective ways - aligning our actions to our passions

3. Empathy

Knowing what someone else is feeling

4. Social skill

Putting altogether in skilled relationship

How is EQ different to IQ?

While EQ talks about our ability to handle ourselves emotionally, IQ refers to how technically skilled someone is and, according to Goleman, IQ is often not correlated with being successful.

  • Emotional quotient
  • Measure of emotional competency
  • Involves identifying, controlling, and using emotions
  • Affects motivation, empathy, relationships, self-awareness, and self-control
  • Intelligence quotient
  • Measure of cognitive abilities
  • Involves processing, knowledge, memory, and reasoning
  • Affects academics, expertise, critical thinking, and logic

More on IQ vs EQ

Why is EQ important?

Also, according to Goleman, even when people are hired to do a job based on IQ levels, they can be fired because of their lack of EQ. To be a team leader you have to have stronger EQ levels and not necessarily higher IQ levels.