Rod's log



Crew - Description

This app was part of our final group project at Dev Academy bootcamp. It's a mobile app in which users log in to create their own crews (group of friends) based on each crew's interest (eg. music, hiking, dancing).

What was used to accomplish this project?


Aplha - Description

This app was part of my personal project at Dev Academy bootcamp. It is a full-stack app in which you can Create, Read, Update and Delete items from the database.
It initially started as a server-side rendering project using Handlebars, but over time, I gradually transformed the application into a full-stack app.
It's a work in progress and I would like to add some more features and further upgrade the app into a Next JS app.

What was used to accomplish this project?

Next JS

Promptopia - Description

Promptopia is an app developed by JavaScript Mastery, and in the three-hour-and-a-half YouTube tutorial I learned how to create a new Next JS app, as well as debugging most problems on my own.
As I finished my studies at DevAcademy late September 2023, my cohort mates and I decided to have a go and learn Next Js.
Everyone worked at their own pace and I manage to finish the basic CRUD operations in about 15 hours. It was an incredible experience to be able to follow along and learn with someone other than the facilitators.

What was used to accomplish this project?

Todo list

Todo - Description

In this small and straightforward app, I implemented CRUD operations using Next JS and took the opportunity to learn a bit about Prisma and practice TypeScript.
Prisma is a database schema that seems to be quite intuitive and, in a way, makes file organization and table model creation easier. When combined with Next JS, Prisma proves to be very straightforward and practical.

What was used to accomplish this project?

PHP - Feedback-App

Feedback-App - Description

In this very simple project, I implemented two main operations: GET and POST using PHP and runnning the XAMPP suite.
The styles were made using Bootstrap, so I had a chance to try it out too.

What was used to accomplish this project?