Rod's log

Foundations - Reflection


In this post, I will share the reflections on the Core side of the course.

What are three new things you have learnt about yourself and your ego due to the core learning?

I had already learned that my ego sometimes prevents me from taking certain steps, like asking a question when in doubt. But I wasn't always like this. During the core training, I remembered when I was younger and more curious. Not only curious, but I also spoke up when something was bothering me. During this core learning process, I revisited a bit of the person I had already been and learned that I can be that person again.

During the core learning process, I revisited some of my insecurities and learned that I can deal with them by not dwelling too much on what others will think of me. Finally, I learned that a new habit can be formed, even if it initially causes some discomfort or distress. Along the journey, it becomes routine and no longer evokes negative feelings.

What are the role of values, empathy, and self-awareness in learning and programming?

People have different backgrounds and different priorities as well. It's important to be aware that the person we're sharing time with during our work (or study) journey has their own priorities and challenges. A good practice is to start a conversation by asking if everything is alright and how their week has been, as this gives us a good idea of what the person has been dealing with in the past days or even hours. This way, we can adjust our approach accordingly, whether it's with more humor or more patience, depending on the situation.

What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

The topic of neuroplasticity is something I really enjoyed researching and hearing people talk about their experiences and studies. It gave me much more motivation and strength to continue studying and giving my best, knowing that gradually my mind would (and will) be able to process all the knowledge acquired in the course. It's fascinating to think that our brains have the ability to adapt and rewire themselves, forming new connections and expanding our capabilities. This understanding fuels my determination to keep pushing forward, knowing that with persistence and dedication, I can continue to grow and improve my skills in the ever-evolving field of technology.

What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

I believe the most challenging part was learning how to learn and setting boundaries on how much effort I would put into each task. Even with time boxing giving a good idea of how much time to allocate for each activity, there are times when I become so absorbed in a task (or problem) that I lose track of time and fail to realize how it is hindering both my progress and well-being. It's crucial to strike a balance between dedication and self-care, ensuring that I give my best without sacrificing my mental and physical health. Recognizing when to take breaks, step back, and reassess my approach is an ongoing learning process, but it's one that enables me to work more efficiently and sustainably in the long run.

Why do you think we, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development Bootcamp course?

Because these things go hand in hand, without a change in mindset, there can be no real shift in career focus or learning. It's essential to cultivate a growth-oriented mindset that embraces continuous learning, adaptability, and a willingness to step out of comfort zones. This mindset enables us to view challenges as opportunities for growth and approach our careers with a sense of curiosity and resilience. Without this fundamental shift in perspective, it's easy to fall into stagnant routines and miss out on valuable learning experiences and career advancements. Embracing a growth mindset opens doors to new possibilities, propelling us towards meaningful progress and personal development in the ever-changing landscape of technology.

Were the Core sessions a waste of time? Should I have spent more time coding instead?

As much as I enjoyed the programming challenges and learning how to build a webpage and manipulate the DOM, discovering things about myself was also incredibly rewarding, and I don't consider it a waste of time. Taking a journey inward to explore our inner selves is always beneficial from time to time. The way the core sessions were integrated throughout the course was timely and well-thought-out. For instance, at the beginning of Sprint 3, delving into emotional intelligence and learning more about it early in the week made the TECH aspect of the sprint much lighter for me. It helped me approach my tasks with a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional balance, which ultimately enhanced my productivity and overall satisfaction with the learning process. It's incredible how investing in personal growth and understanding can positively impact our professional development as well.

Thanks for reading and see you all later 😀