Rod's log

Kia ora Taiao! (Hello World!)

Welcome to my blog

Jun 2023

Hi, my name is Rodolfo and this page is part of a project at DevAcademy NZ. From June to October 2023 I’ll be part of this community of learners where I hope I can learn a great deal with my peers, and also hope to help others in their journey too.

As this is a work in progress, The content and the way the blog looks will change throughout the course. So far, we have already finished a 6-week foundations course and learned a lot of interesting things.
It is time to focus on the 9-week long bootcamp! Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading and see you next time.

Hot update!

26 Sep 2023

The course has finished and I will be updating the blog with the latest news and tech. Fell free to check my Github repos, as well as my LinkedIn profile


To find out more about the projects I've started or been a part of, please click on the link below.


Work in progress


I intentionally chose to keep the blog this way, pure HTML and CSS (with a bit of JavaScript), to remind myself of where I started on my journey. Over the coming weeks, I'll be working on other projects and will try to publish these projects so that other people can access the end results. I hope the blog's content is interesting to you, dear reader. =)

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